I don’t know about you, but if I don’t practice self-care here and there throughout my week, then I’ll feel it—and not in a good way. What I’ve learned about self-care is that there’s no right way and wrong way to do it. If you want to create a self-care ritual that you do every morning, then great. But if you’re more of a sporadic self-care type, then keep doing you, too.
What’s most important is having go-to self-care practices in your back pocket you can turn to when you need some TLC. So read on to discover some self-care practices you can try out the next time you need inspiration!
1. Journal your thoughts.
Journaling is always best on those days when it feels your mind is running 100 mph. Sit down, relax, and write whatever is on your mind. You can use a prompt or not, but the focus here is just to release.
2. Write what you’re grateful for.
Did you know that practicing gratitude can make you happier? So, the next time you need a pick-me-up, try writing down what you’re grateful for that day.
3. Exercise.
I know it’s hard, but you seriously will feel much better after moving your body, even if it’s just for fifteen minutes. Working out can help improve your mental health immensely, so don’t blow it off until you try it yourself.
4. Drink water.
Are you feeling sort of sluggish and foggy? That’s your cue to drink some water.
5. Talk to a therapist.
It’s never a bad idea to talk to a therapist consistently, and there’s no shame in it. Do your monthly mental health maintenance by paying a visit to a trusted professional.
6. Self-validate through affirmations.
Sometimes we have to be our own biggest supporters, and that’s okay. If you need someone to validate your feelings or tell you it’ll be okay, you can be that person for yourself. The next time you’re feeling low, speak some positive affirmations over yourself to lift your spirits!
What’re your go-to self-care rituals? Drop a comment and let us know!
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