Luke Lawal, an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and thought leader, recently released his debut book titled “RICH BLACK POOR BLACK.” As the founder of the popular social platform HBCU Buzz, Luke has gained recognition for his contribution to the HBCU community, fostering connection and shared interests among its members. Notable achievements include being honored by AT&T Dream in Black as part of the Black Future Maker Class of 2023, receiving the Shine a Light Award from BET in 2022, being a member of The Creative Collective Class of 2023, and being recognized by Forbes as a leader taking action in 2022.
In “RICH BLACK, POOR BLACK,” Luke Lawal delves into the topic of financial literacy, offering a comprehensive guide on achieving and maintaining financial stability. Drawing from the pillars of mental health, physical health, social health, and spiritual health, Luke provides insights and practical advice for Generation Z to navigate the path to wealth creation.
Reflecting on his motivation for writing the book, Luke Lawal expressed his desire to share his personal journey to success through an engaging and relatable conversation with readers. His goal is for readers to gain knowledge on various approaches and strategies for achieving financial well-being, as well as to recognize that individuals of color have the ability to shape their own destinies through disciplined mindsets.
“RICH BLACK, POOR BLACK” emphasizes the importance of wealth creation and explores the broader concept of generational wealth beyond financial aspects. Luke highlights the significance of intellectual health and social health in attaining the capacity to create and multiply wealth. Luke reveals the transformative power of mindset and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles by providing practical life skills and challenging the notion that wealth is solely inherited.
Luke Lawal attributes his personal success to the very principles discussed in his book and underscores the role of social health in fostering mentorship and guidance towards achieving one’s goals. He believes that our network ultimately determines our net worth.
RICH BLACK, POOR BLACK is about empowering Black ccommunities by breaking barriers and building bridges. Black culture has always been rich in history, tradition, family, music, and art. But in today’s world, money is power. In this groundbreaking work, Luke Lawal, Jr. cracks the code for creating, maintaining, and passing down wealth from generation to generation.
Grab a copy of “RICH BLACK POOR BLACK,” on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books A Million.
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